Thursday, October 29, 2009

The life of a 1 year old:)

Our little football player. "ootball" in the words of Kade:)
One of his first big kid rides at Arnolds park

The water bottle kept him entertained during his first haircut:)

"Wow mom my curls are long"

Kade 1st Birthday party! He loved the cupcakes!!

He thought he was pretty big stuff!

We went to he Zoo with Gma, Gpa De Jong and Davis. Kade found some new friends while we were there.

Finalization Day May 4 2009

A lot has happened since i wrote last, it was April i guess:) This past summer went way to fast,but i guess it usually does. We celebrated Kade's first birthday in July. It is so hard to believe that it has been a year already. Time goes to fast and we need to enjoy every minute we have with each other.

Kade is running everywhere he started walking about 1 week after his birthday! He knows how to keep me going. He tries to copy everything that we do and he actually is very good at it:) So now i guess we better watch what we do. His favorite thing to do is chase Maggie. He just loves her but we are not sure she feels the same way about him. :) Kade and Maggies are always playing fetch which is fun to see,but now Kade thinks he has to throw everything. He has a pretty good arm, which is all fun until he throws a fork across the table and about takes some one out. (it has happened) He keeps our lives interesting and we love every minute of it.
I hope you enjoyed the pictures of Kade and a breif update on what has been going on in our house.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kade's 9 Month Pictures

It has been a long time again since we wrote last. Hopefully i will start getting better at updating this:) Last night we had Kade's 9 month pictures taken so i wanted to share the website with all of you.
We can not believe Kade is 9 months already time goes so fast. But we are enjoying every minute we get to spend with him! It is so fun to watch him explore new things. He has us running now cause he started crawling last monday and he only gets faster. But it is good someone has to keep us on our toes.
Once we get settled i will post pictures of our new house. This is going to be a crazy week we are ready to be done with the whole moving thing. But we are excited to see what God has instore for us in this new phase of our lives.
Well i better get back to work.
Dustin, Ashley and Kade

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

We are very sorry for not updating very often. Time goes so fast we can't believe that we are already in February! Christmas was very busy we had 7 differant parties which was fun this year since it was Kade's first Christmas. He definantly got alittle spoiled:)
A couple weeks ago we had our final post placement visit with Heidi so now we can finalize our adoption! Other then that we really do not have anything else new in our lives at the moment.
We are just enjoying every minute we get to spend with Kade. He is growing up so fast it is hard to believe he is 6 1/2 months already.
We will try to update more often:)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sorry it has been awhile since we have updated the pictures. I am going to try to get better about this:) Anyways Kade is growing like crazy as you can prolly tell by the pictures he is now 4 months which is so hard for us to believe. He is always jabbering he has big stories for such a little guy. He has also started giggling which is so fun to hear! Kade also loves to watch Maggie (our dog) everytime she comes in the room he just starts smiling and gets so excited. That is all the updates on Kade for now hope you all enjoy the pictures.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Kade has been doing very well. Today we had his 2 month old checkup and 3 shots. Founds out shots are his new least favorite thing. He was 10 pounds and 21 inches long. He has been sleeping good between feedings but still eats every 3 hours. Aug. 31 Kade was baptized at Carmel church. He is a very happy baby for the most part. Every now and then he has his crabby times but don't we all? We thank God every day for such a perfect little boy.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Great to be Home!

Our trip home went very well Kade traveled great! He was alittle fussy when we went through the mountains but other then that he slept most of the time! We were so thankful that he traveled well b/c we were very concerned about how he would do. It is a very long trip for such a little guy:) We got home on Sunday night at about 8:00.
Well we would like to thank all of you again for all the prayers and support during this process.
Kade is very anxious to meet everyone!
God has truly blessed us!
Dustin, Ashley and Kade

Friday, July 25, 2008

Traveling home

We got the ok from the state of Iowa to come home with Kade. We plan on leaving today (Fri. July 25) after his doctor apt. at 1:30. We plan on driving during the day and finding a hotel for the nights. Hope to be home by Sun Evening. So please pray for us on our journey.